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What is MR grade plywood?

  MR grade plywood is moisture-resistant plywood. This type of MR grade plywood is a better choice than standard plywood as its moisture-resisting property gives it a long working life.But In India, MR grade plywood is also known as Commercial grade plywood.

  The important features of MR grade plywood are listed below.

  1. MR grade plywood is an Interior grade plywood, suitable for indoor use.

  2. The term MR (moisture resistant) can be a bit confusing in this regard. But customers should note that 'moisture resistant' does not mean 'waterproof'. It only means that the the plywood is capable of resisting humidity and moisture.

  3. The most common use of MR grade plywood is for making home and office furniture. Customers who want waterproof plywood for their furniture should opt for the better quality BWR grade plywood, which is waterproof and made using phenolic resins. BWR grade ply costs more than Commercial MR grade ply, but it is better for making furniture that is likely to get wet e.g. Kitchen cabinets.

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